Transdisciplinariedad sdg13 Acción por el clima

Tener en cuenta que hacer frente al cambio climático
requiere enfoques transdisciplinarios, no solo porque involucra a todas las disciplinas, desde las sociales a las científicas, desde las jurídicas a las tecnológicas, sino también porque afecta a la gente personalmente e involucra valores, culturas y estilos de vida, así como la percepción de cómo estos contribuyen al
cambio global.

For example:

In groups, students allocate as many of these roles as possible, (starting from the top):

  • Facilitator
  • Sociologist
  • Environmental scientist
  • Economist
  • Local religious leader
  • Computer scientist
  • Scientist/mathematician

This makes up the governing body of a local educational institution.
Government policy is to take the institution out of local authority control and make it a ‘free’ school, meaning you are able to decide for yourselves its future direction.

Task A

Group: Discuss what should be the focus/vision from your perspective. Try to win the others around to your idea
Facilitator: Listen and take notes. Decide who makes the most compelling argument/who ‘wins’

Task B

Facilitator: stage another discussion.
This time try to find a focus/vision that can satisfy all members of the group.
A win-win?
Plenary reflect on the different experiences.