Aquí encontrarás muchas de las referencias bibliográficas en las que nos hemos inspirado para desarrollar el marco de competencias de RSP. Si deseas encontrar referencias bibliográficas relacionadas con una competencia específica, ve al modelo, selecciona una competencia y haz clic sobre Lecturas útiles al pie de la página de esta competencia.
- Arnstein S (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners. Vol 35/Issue 4 – A seminal text on different levels of community participation
- Aubrey K & Riley A (2016) Understanding & Using Educational Theories. London: Sage (see chapter 11 Donald Schon: Reflection and learning)
- Aubrey K & Riley A (2017) Understanding & Using Challenging Educational Theories. London: Sage (see chapter 2 – Carl Rogers: The father of client-centred therapy; chapter 14 – Jack Mezirow: Transformative learning)
- Barrow R & Woods R (2006) An Introduction to Philosophy of Education. Abingdon: Routledge
- Barth M, Godemann J, Rieckmann M & Stoltenberg U. (2007) Developing Key Competencies for Sustainable Development in Higher Education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 8 (4), S. 416–430
- Bartlett S & Burton D (2007) Introduction to Education Studies. London: Sage
- Belbin M (2018) The Nine Belbin Team Roles
- Benard B (1991) Fostering Resiliency in Kids: Protective Factors in the Family, School, and Community. Portland. Washington: Western Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities
- Biberhofer P, Lintner C, Bernhardt J, Rieckmann M (2019): Facilitating work performance of sustainability-driven entrepreneurs through higher education – The relevance of competencies, values, worldviews and opportunities. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 20 (1), 21-38. Article first published online: February 8, 2018
- Bronfenbrenner U (1999) ‘Environments in developmental perspective: theoretical and operational models’ in, Friedman & Wachs (eds) Measuring the environment across the lifespan: emerging methods and concepts, Washington DC: American Psychological Association pp3-28
- Brown B (2008) I thought it was just me (but it isn’t). US: Gotham Books
- Byram M, Gribkova B & Starkey H (2002) Developing the Intercultural Dimension in Language Teaching: a practical introduction for teachers. Strasburg: Council of Europe
- Chamberlin S (2009) The Transition Timeline. Totnes: Green Books Ltd
- Corres, A, Rieckmann, M, Espasa, A, Ruiz-Mallén, I (2020) Educator Competences in Sustainability Education: A Systematic Review of Frameworks. Sustainability 12 (23), 9858
- Crompton T (2010) The Common Cause Handbook. Machynlleth: PIRC
- Curtis W & Pettigrew A (2009) Learning in Contemporary Culture. Exeter: Learning Matters
- Daniel B, Wassell S & Gilligan R (1999) Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Dewey J (1916) Democracy and Education. Project Gutenberg
- Dorling D (2015) Injustice: why social inequality still persists. Bristol: Policy Press
- Galenkamp H (2014) Wanneer doen we het goed voor elkaar?
- Geisen G (2014) Autopoiesis. perspective on sustainable, meaningful education. Utrecht: Duurzaam Door
- George S (2010) Whose Crisis, Whose future? Towards a Greener, Fairer, Richer World. Cambridge: Polity Press
- Gibson T (1991) Planning for Real: the approach of the neighbourhood initiatives foundation in the UK. RRA Notes (1991), Issue 11, pp.29–30, IIED London – A method of urban planning with the full participation of the community
- Goleman D (2013) What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters. Florence: More than Sound LLC
- Hamer A de & Heres P (2015) 32 Lessen voor de Toekomst. Hilversum: Idee & Waarde
- Hamer A de, Jansen P, Louman E, Roorda N & Vries G de (2008) Duurzame Ontwikkeling op de Basisschool. Nijkerk: Callenbach
- Hamer A de & Leussink E (2012) Leerkrachtcompetenties Duurzaamheid. Utrecht: Agentschap Nl
- Henderson K & Tilbury D (2004) Whole-School Approaches to Sustainability: An International Review of Sustainable School Programs. Report Prepared by the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) for The Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australian Government
- Hicks D (2014) Educating for Hope in Troubled Times. London: IOE
- Jensen B B & Schnack K (1997) The Action Competence Approach in Environmental Education. Environmental Education Research, 3:2, 163-178
- Jutten J (2007) Natuurlijk eren: systeemdenken in een lerende school, Tweede, geheel herziene druk. Natuurlijk Leren: Echt
- MacArthur E (2015) The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world. TED talk – A long but highly engaging talk; includes useful sections where the speaker describes her vision of a circular economy
- Matthews L & Matthews A (2014) Framespotting. Winchester: IFF Books
- Mcniff J & Whitehead J (2011) All you need to know about Action Research. London: Sage
- Natiello P (2001) A Person-Centred Approach. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books
- Ojala M (2016) Hope and anticipation in education for a sustainable future in Futures 10:04
- Outhwaite A (2009) Backcasting
- Ratner H (2015) Brief coaching with children and young people: a solution focused approach. London: Routledge
- Raworth K (2017) Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist. Random House – A useful way of showing how environmental and social concerns can guide economic development
- Rieckmann M. (2012) Future-oriented Higher Education: which key competencies should be fostered through university teaching and learning? Futures 44 (2) pp 127–135
- Roorda N (2010) Sailing on the Winds of Change. Maastricht: University Press Maastricht
- Roorda N (2012) Fundamentals of Sustainable Development. London: Earthscan
- Roorda N & Rachelson A (2018) The Seven Competences of the Sustainable Professional: Developing Best Practice in a Work Setting. London: Routledge
- Schank C & Rieckmann M (2019): Socio-economically Substantiated Education for Sustainable Development: Development of Competencies and Value Orientations Between Individual Responsibility and Structural Transformation. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 13 (1), 67-91
- Scott W & Vare P (2018) The World We’ll Leave Behind: grasping the sustainability challenge. Abingdon: Routledge
- Shephard K, Rieckmann M & Barth M (2018): Seeking sustainability competence and capability in the ESD and HESD literature: an international philosophical hermeneutic analysis. Environmental Education Research. Published online: 24 Oct 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1490947
- Sleurs W (ed.) (2008) Competencies for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) teachers. A framework to integrate ESD in the curriculum of teacher training institutes, Brussels
- Smith M K (2002) ‘Paulo Freire and informal education’: The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education
- Smith M K (2004) ‘Carl Rogers and informal education’: The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education
- Sterling S, Glasser H, Rieckmann M & Warwick P (2017): “More Than Scaling Up”: A Critical and Practical Inquiry Into Operationalising Sustainability Competencies. In: Corcoran P B, Weakland J & Wals A E J (eds.): Envisioning Futures for Environmental and Sustainability Education. Wageningen, pp. 153 – 168
- The Story of Solutions (2013)
- The Story of Stuff (2007)
- Sterling S (2009) Sustainable Education: Re-visioning Learning and Change. Totnes: Green Books Ltd
- Sterling S (2014) Separate Tracks or Real Synergy? Achieving a Closer Relationship between Education and SD, Post-2015, Journal for Education for Sustainable Development, Vol.8 (2) 89-114
- Stibbe A (2009) The Handbook of Sustainable Literacy. Totnes: Green Books Ltd
- Thiele L (2013) Sustainability. Cambridge: Polity
- Traxson D (2016) Mental Distress in Children - the key construct for understanding their future mental health and wellbeing
- Ullmo P-A, Assailly J P, Breiting S & Lorenzo R (2011) YOUR ideas YOUR initiatives Road Safety Actions for a Better Environment. Madrid: PAU Education
- UNECE (2011) Learning for the Future: Competences in Education for Sustainable Development. Geneva: UNECE
- UNESCO (2017): Education for Sustainable Development Goals. Learning Objectives. Paris: UNESCO
- UNESCO (2013) Intercultural Competences
- Urry J (2011) Climate Change & Society. Cambridge: Polity Press
- Vare P and Scott W (2007) Learning for a Change: Exploring the relationship between education and sustainable development. Journal for Education for Sustainable Development, Vol.1 (2) 191-198
- Vare P (2019) Beyond the ‘green bling’: Identifying contradictions encountered in school sustainability programmes and teachers’ responses to them, Environmental Education Research, DOI:10.1080/13504622.2019.1677859
- Wals A (2017) Can we meet the sustainability challenges? The role of education and lifelong learning. European Journal of Education 52 (4). – p. 404 – 413
- Wals A (2017) Sustainability by Default: Co-creating Care and Relationality Through Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Early Childhood 49 (2). – p. 155 – 164.
- Wilcox D (1994) Community Participation and Empowerment: Putting Theory into Practice. Chapter 12 in International Institute for Environment and Development 1994 Special Issue on Participatory Tools and Methods in Urban Areas. RRA notes, November 1994, Number 21.