Atención sdg14 Vida submarina

Ser consciente del impacto del cambio climático en las zonas costeras. Comprender los riesgos asociados con la sobrepesca y la importancia de los ecosistemas marinos.

For example:

Debate impact of unsustainable use of marine resources. Examples:

  1. From a selection of resources, students discuss the following question: “What are the risks associated with the unsustainable use of marine resources?” (Debate opinions considering different stakeholders and perspectives)
  2. From a selection of resources based on a particular issue, students discuss the following question: What measures are needed to ensure the sustainable use of marine resources? (Consensus debate to find a way forward)
  3. From a selection of resources presenting an issue and a solution, students discuss the following question: How could the solution be implemented? (Action-oriented debate to agree steps).