Atención sdg13 Acción por el clima
Ser conscientes del desafío del cambio climático para la humanidad. Ser capaces de ver y describir los límites y la resiliencia de los socio-ecosistemas, los defectos que causan la insostenibilidad y los múltiples impactos ambientales y sociales de tal cambio planetario. Mantenerse alerta a los datos que
señalan los cambios que se están produciendo en el clima y sus consecuencias sociales.
For a class of approximately 30: Split class into 9 groups of 3 (or 2-4 per group to fit numbers).
The first three groups are given the task of investigating What’s so good about…?
Each of the groups receives a different topic: e.g. A. Social Justice; B. Biodiversity; C. Maintaining a Stable Climate.
They are asked to find out: What is this about? Why is it important? Is this desirable? If so, why?
The second three groups are given the task of investigating What’s the problem with…?
Each of the groups receives a different topic: e.g. A. Using cheap labour to make our clothes; B. Eating large quantities of cheap meat; C. Using fossil fuels for our energy needs.
They are asked to find out: Why is this considered to be a bad thing? What impacts is it having on people’s lives/the environment? Why is it happening?
The third three groups are given the task of investigating How can we deal with…?
Each of the groups receives a different topic: e.g. A. Exploitative employment practices; B. The negative impacts of the meat industry; C. Greenhouse gas emissions.
They are asked to find out: How can we deal with this issue? How might we reduce its impact? What alternatives are there for this (in terms of materials and our actions or habits)?
Share: After 30-40 minutes’ group work ask the groups to come together in three teams comprising the Group As, Group Bs and Group Cs. The teams should now listen to each other in order to discover any links that they can between their different pieces of evidence. They should work together to develop a presentation that they can share with the other two teams.
Present: Each team gives a five minute presentation to the rest of the class and takes questions on their given issue.