sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
As the UN puts it: Sustainable consumption and production is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all. Its implementation helps to achieve overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty.
RSP Competences sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Systems sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Understand production and consumption patterns and value chains and the interrelatedness of production and consumption and how individual lifestyle choices influence social, economic and environmental development.
Attentiveness sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Be critically aware of inequalities in access to sustainable and affordable products, particularly in urban areas and the developing world.
Transdisciplinarity sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Collaborate with different stakeholders of the production cycle in order to create new forms of sustainable lifestyles.
Criticality sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Critically take on a role as an active stakeholder in the market and challenge cultural and societal orientations in consumption and production.
Futures sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Visualise different future scenarios of how consumer behaviour, production processes and sustainable lifestyles will look like in 50 years from now.
Empathy sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Reflect on individual consumer behaviour considering the needs of the natural world, other people, cultures and countries, and future generations.
Creativity sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Explore new forms of consumption and production. Develop new ideas on sustainable lifestyles.
Responsibility sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Recognise the importance of taking responsibility for the environmental and social impacts of own behaviour as a producer or consumer.
Participation sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Participate actively in implementing strategies and practices of sustainable production and consumption.
Values sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Recognise and know roles, rights and duties of different actors in production and consumption.
Action sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Encourage others to engage in sustainable practices in consumption and production.
Decisiveness sdg12 Responsible consumption and production
Evaluate, participate in and influence decision-making processes about acquisitions in the public sector.