Sistemas sdg12 Producción y consumo responsables

Comprender los patrones de producción y consumo y las cadenas de valor y la interrelación de la producción y el consumo, así como cómo las opciones individuales relacionadas con nuestros estilo de vida influyen en el desarrollo social, económico y ambiental.

For example:

Let your students watch the Seeing the Bigger Picture video series. This series includes seven videos and each is not more than 1 minute. Each video ends with a question, so watch one video, then ask the groups to discuss their response to the question posed. Students should take notes on individual or group sheets of paper.

The videos lead the students to conclude that some familiar environmental ‘solutions’ can cause damaging effects on jobs and the economy overall. The activity then goes on to investigate a different sort of economy: a circular economy, which is regenerative by design.

This activity could be completed in one hour, but we recommend taking more time so the class has time to digest the information and properly tackle each question raised.