Atención sdg1 Fin de la pobreza

Comprender los aspectos fundamentalmente insostenibles de nuestra sociedad y la forma en que se está desarrollando con respecto a la pobreza y ser conscientes de la necesidad urgente de cambio.

For example:

Students complete the ‘poverty print’ (or use search words ‘tradecraft blog poverty footprint quiz’), discuss the outcome and set up a ‘personal action plan’ for improvement.

Students read the ‘poverty footprint indicator guide’ for organisations. After reading, students, in small groups, choose three points of interest from the guide and prepare interviews for different levels of the school personnel (managers, teachers, staff, cleaning personnel, restaurant employees, students, post-graduates etc.
After the interviews the results are compared and a final conclusion is written.
The activities can be broadened to a next level by using the guide for nations:
A final discussion is organised in which the guide is used as a ‘quick evaluation instrument’ for nations: take the lowest five nations on the list of poor countries (see ‘participation’) and see if there are clues for the low positions in the poverty footprint guide.
Discuss ways improvement can start…