Hier vindt u veel van de referenties die we hebben gebruikt bij de ontwikkeling van het raamwerk van RSP-competenties. Als u referenties wilt vinden die betrekking hebben op een specifieke competentie, ga dan naar het model, selecteer een competentie en kijk bij ‘Nuttige informatie’ onderaan de competentiepagina.
- Arnstein S (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners. Vol 35/Issue 4 – A seminal text on different levels of community participation
- Aubrey K & Riley A (2016) Understanding & Using Educational Theories. London: Sage (see chapter 11 Donald Schon: Reflection and learning)
- Aubrey K & Riley A (2017) Understanding & Using Challenging Educational Theories. London: Sage (see chapter 2 – Carl Rogers: The father of client-centred therapy; chapter 14 – Jack Mezirow: Transformative learning)
- Barrow R & Woods R (2006) An Introduction to Philosophy of Education. Abingdon: Routledge
- Barth M, Godemann J, Rieckmann M & Stoltenberg U. (2007) Developing Key Competencies for Sustainable Development in Higher Education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 8 (4), S. 416–430
- Bartlett S & Burton D (2007) Introduction to Education Studies. London: Sage
- Belbin M (2018) The Nine Belbin Team Roles
- Benard B (1991) Fostering Resiliency in Kids: Protective Factors in the Family, School, and Community. Portland. Washington: Western Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities
- Biberhofer P, Lintner C, Bernhardt J, Rieckmann M (2019): Facilitating work performance of sustainability-driven entrepreneurs through higher education – The relevance of competencies, values, worldviews and opportunities. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 20 (1), 21-38. Article first published online: February 8, 2018
- Bronfenbrenner U (1999) ‘Environments in developmental perspective: theoretical and operational models’ in, Friedman & Wachs (eds) Measuring the environment across the lifespan: emerging methods and concepts, Washington DC: American Psychological Association pp3-28
- Brown B (2008) I thought it was just me (but it isn’t). US: Gotham Books
- Byram M, Gribkova B & Starkey H (2002) Developing the Intercultural Dimension in Language Teaching: a practical introduction for teachers. Strasburg: Council of Europe
- Chamberlin S (2009) The Transition Timeline. Totnes: Green Books Ltd
- Corres, A, Rieckmann, M, Espasa, A, Ruiz-Mallén, I (2020) Educator Competences in Sustainability Education: A Systematic Review of Frameworks. Sustainability 12 (23), 9858
- Crompton T (2010) The Common Cause Handbook. Machynlleth: PIRC
- Curtis W & Pettigrew A (2009) Learning in Contemporary Culture. Exeter: Learning Matters
- Daniel B, Wassell S & Gilligan R (1999) Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Dewey J (1916) Democracy and Education. Project Gutenberg
- Dorling D (2015) Injustice: why social inequality still persists. Bristol: Policy Press
- Galenkamp H (2014) Wanneer doen we het goed voor elkaar?
- Geisen G (2014) Autopoiesis. perspective on sustainable, meaningful education. Utrecht: Duurzaam Door
- George S (2010) Whose Crisis, Whose future? Towards a Greener, Fairer, Richer World. Cambridge: Polity Press
- Gibson T (1991) Planning for Real: the approach of the neighbourhood initiatives foundation in the UK. RRA Notes (1991), Issue 11, pp.29–30, IIED London – A method of urban planning with the full participation of the community
- Goleman D (2013) What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters. Florence: More than Sound LLC
- Hamer A de & Heres P (2015) 32 Lessen voor de Toekomst. Hilversum: Idee & Waarde
- Hamer A de, Jansen P, Louman E, Roorda N & Vries G de (2008) Duurzame Ontwikkeling op de Basisschool. Nijkerk: Callenbach
- Hamer A de & Leussink E (2012) Leerkrachtcompetenties Duurzaamheid. Utrecht: Agentschap Nl
- Henderson K & Tilbury D (2004) Whole-School Approaches to Sustainability: An International Review of Sustainable School Programs. Report Prepared by the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) for The Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australian Government
- Hicks D (2014) Educating for Hope in Troubled Times. London: IOE
- Jensen B B & Schnack K (1997) The Action Competence Approach in Environmental Education. Environmental Education Research, 3:2, 163-178
- Jutten J (2007) Natuurlijk eren: systeemdenken in een lerende school, Tweede, geheel herziene druk. Natuurlijk Leren: Echt
- MacArthur E (2015) The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world. TED talk – A long but highly engaging talk; includes useful sections where the speaker describes her vision of a circular economy
- Matthews L & Matthews A (2014) Framespotting. Winchester: IFF Books
- Mcniff J & Whitehead J (2011) All you need to know about Action Research. London: Sage
- Natiello P (2001) A Person-Centred Approach. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books
- Ojala M (2016) Hope and anticipation in education for a sustainable future in Futures 10:04
- Outhwaite A (2009) Backcasting
- Ratner H (2015) Brief coaching with children and young people: a solution focused approach. London: Routledge
- Raworth K (2017) Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist. Random House – A useful way of showing how environmental and social concerns can guide economic development
- Rieckmann M. (2012) Future-oriented Higher Education: which key competencies should be fostered through university teaching and learning? Futures 44 (2) pp 127–135
- Roorda N (2010) Sailing on the Winds of Change. Maastricht: University Press Maastricht
- Roorda N (2012) Fundamentals of Sustainable Development. London: Earthscan
- Roorda N & Rachelson A (2018) The Seven Competences of the Sustainable Professional: Developing Best Practice in a Work Setting. London: Routledge
- Schank C & Rieckmann M (2019): Socio-economically Substantiated Education for Sustainable Development: Development of Competencies and Value Orientations Between Individual Responsibility and Structural Transformation. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 13 (1), 67-91
- Scott W & Vare P (2018) The World We’ll Leave Behind: grasping the sustainability challenge. Abingdon: Routledge
- Shephard K, Rieckmann M & Barth M (2018): Seeking sustainability competence and capability in the ESD and HESD literature: an international philosophical hermeneutic analysis. Environmental Education Research. Published online: 24 Oct 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1490947
- Sleurs W (ed.) (2008) Competencies for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) teachers. A framework to integrate ESD in the curriculum of teacher training institutes, Brussels
- Smith M K (2002) ‘Paulo Freire and informal education’: The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education
- Smith M K (2004) ‘Carl Rogers and informal education’: The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education
- Sterling S, Glasser H, Rieckmann M & Warwick P (2017): “More Than Scaling Up”: A Critical and Practical Inquiry Into Operationalising Sustainability Competencies. In: Corcoran P B, Weakland J & Wals A E J (eds.): Envisioning Futures for Environmental and Sustainability Education. Wageningen, pp. 153 – 168
- The Story of Solutions (2013)
- The Story of Stuff (2007)
- Sterling S (2009) Sustainable Education: Re-visioning Learning and Change. Totnes: Green Books Ltd
- Sterling S (2014) Separate Tracks or Real Synergy? Achieving a Closer Relationship between Education and SD, Post-2015, Journal for Education for Sustainable Development, Vol.8 (2) 89-114
- Stibbe A (2009) The Handbook of Sustainable Literacy. Totnes: Green Books Ltd
- Thiele L (2013) Sustainability. Cambridge: Polity
- Traxson D (2016) Mental Distress in Children - the key construct for understanding their future mental health and wellbeing
- Ullmo P-A, Assailly J P, Breiting S & Lorenzo R (2011) YOUR ideas YOUR initiatives Road Safety Actions for a Better Environment. Madrid: PAU Education
- UNECE (2011) Learning for the Future: Competences in Education for Sustainable Development. Geneva: UNECE
- UNESCO (2017): Education for Sustainable Development Goals. Learning Objectives. Paris: UNESCO
- UNESCO (2013) Intercultural Competences
- Urry J (2011) Climate Change & Society. Cambridge: Polity Press
- Vare P and Scott W (2007) Learning for a Change: Exploring the relationship between education and sustainable development. Journal for Education for Sustainable Development, Vol.1 (2) 191-198
- Vare P (2019) Beyond the ‘green bling’: Identifying contradictions encountered in school sustainability programmes and teachers’ responses to them, Environmental Education Research, DOI:10.1080/13504622.2019.1677859
- Wals A (2017) Can we meet the sustainability challenges? The role of education and lifelong learning. European Journal of Education 52 (4). – p. 404 – 413
- Wals A (2017) Sustainability by Default: Co-creating Care and Relationality Through Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Early Childhood 49 (2). – p. 155 – 164.
- Wilcox D (1994) Community Participation and Empowerment: Putting Theory into Practice. Chapter 12 in International Institute for Environment and Development 1994 Special Issue on Participatory Tools and Methods in Urban Areas. RRA notes, November 1994, Number 21.