sdg4 Quality education
As the UN puts it: Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to creating sustainable development. In addition to improving quality of life, access to inclusive education can help equip people locally with the tools required to develop innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems.
RSP Competences sdg4 Quality education
Systems sdg4 Quality education
Discuss the importance of education and lifelong learning opportunities for all (formal, non-formal and informal learning) as main drivers of sustainable development, for improving people’s lives and in achieving the SDGs.
Attentiveness sdg4 Quality education
Be critically aware of inequalities in access to and attainment of education, particularly between girls and boys and in rural areas.
Transdisciplinarity sdg4 Quality education
Support the development of policies promoting free, equitable and quality education for all and collaborate with educational stakeholders.
Criticality sdg4 Quality education
Be aware that education can help create a more sustainable, equitable and peaceful world.
Futures sdg4 Quality education
Visualise different future scenarios of how education might look in 50 years from now.
Empathy sdg4 Quality education
Understand the importance of quality education for all and why a humanistic and holistic approach to education is necessary.
Creativity sdg4 Quality education
Explore new forms of education and search for new ways of teaching and learning. Develop ideas on holistic approaches to education.
Responsibility sdg4 Quality education
Recognise the importance of our own skills for improving life, in particular for employment and entrepreneurship.
Participation sdg4 Quality education
Participate actively in order to improve educational contexts and sustainable opportunities for all students and teachers.
Values sdg4 Quality education
Recognise the intrinsic value of education and analyse and identify learning needs as part of personal development.
Action sdg4 Quality education
Promote the empowerment of young people and gender equality in education.
Decisiveness sdg4 Quality education
Use opportunities for education in own life and apply the acquired knowledge in everyday situations to promote sustainable development.