
Personal diary method

  1. Individually, ideally over a few days, each student describes his or her own relationship to water, his or her use and what he or she would like to change in his or her practice (professional or private, individually and/or collectively)
  2. In pairs, each person presents some elements of the reflection to their partner
  3. As a whole class, students present key reflections of their partner.
  4. Discuss things that were presented and share thoughts and discuss implications

Individual reflection:
Encourage learners to reflect individually on situations in their lives where they had to take decisions which had gender implications and
encourage them to consider any memorable dilemmas they had and whether they made well-judged and gender balanced, or misjudged and
gender imbalanced decisions. Share and discuss.

Ask students to write an I-report in which they describe a range of rights, roles and responsibilities in daily life from a gender perspective and how they accept personal responsibility and accountability towards achievement of better gender equality and how they act transparently by reporting to others in appropriate ways. Ask them to give as many examples as possible.

Then ask each group of pairs to discuss one report and add their reflections.
Finally ask all learners to reflect on their reports: describe what you can change in order to become (even) more responsible and accountable in promoting better gender equality.

Work in pairs. Read through the infographic on education, skills and jobs, and discuss strategies to achieve these proclaimed changes if the SDGs are applied. Come up with 2-3 different strategies and present at least one to the class.

Students reflect on their lives and list example actions and decisions that, if taken, can impact positively or negatively on the wellbeing of self and others (A R2).

Game-example: Farmers 2050

They can learn about the game teaching teens about agriculture and sustainability. How will we sustainably feed 9 billion people by the year 2050? A question that is becoming mainstream in agriculture yet something most youth have never considered. One of the most powerful ways we can share our stories about agriculture is to engage teenagers with a tool they enjoy – video games.

Real farmers from across the world show the player what they are actually doing on their farms. From a dairy producer in Nova Scotia, to a potato grower in Alberta, advocacy is embedded throughout the game.

Feeding the world responsibly is essential and we must communicate to the world all of the innovations, best practices and opportunities there are in the industry. Farmers 2050 supports those efforts and it’s a lot of fun to play.

Students choose a project as described in Action competence and set up a system for managing the finances, agreed actions, record meetings, etc.

Short description

The students write an I-report in 60 minutes. Subject: How do I accept personal responsibility and accountability towards others and how do I act transparently by reporting to others in appropriate ways.

Task one:

Task two:

Task three:

Short description

The educator and students carefully manage the indoor-climate, food, waste, materials. This becomes visible in:

To put it in an activity, the students investigate the possibilities to accomplish the above.

Short description

Give a short lecture with discussions on the need for

Short description

Individually reflect on their lives and to consider any memorable dilemmas they had and whether they made well judged, or misjudged decisions.
Share some if they would like to.