Futurs sdg14 Vida submarina
Identificar vínculos entre formas tradicionales, actuales y futuras de gestión de la biodiversidad marina y sobre su impacto en la misma.
Vincular diferentes escenarios de cambio climático con su impacto en el medio marino.
Desarrollar escenarios futuros para promover la biodiversidad marina.
Per exemple:
Scenario method
Students are asked to think in groups about different scenarios to limit overfishing.
- First, they conduct research to identify the main issues related to overfishing (factors) and to find solutions.
- In a second step, students place the identified factors on a 2-axes graph (important – important – uninfluenced / predictable – unpredictable), the idea being to identify key factors (three or four at most) on which to make contrasting assumptions (Gaudin, 2013, p. 99).
- Third, students write three or four scenarios that they think are relevant, such as:
- Competitiveness, confidence in science
- Social and environmental wellbeing
- Trend scenario.