Acció sdg11 Ciutats i comunitats sostenibles

Concienciarse de los entornos naturales que han tenido un impacto en la cultura y la identidad de una comunidad a lo largo de los años y tomar medidas proactivas y consideradas para protegerlos.

Per exemple:

Conduct a field trip in the community to a protected area. With the use of various techniques (interviews with locals, narratives, observation of the landscape), students capture how the natural environment impacted the culture and identity of the locals. Discuss with locals the problems they are facing and how these affect the communities’ sustainability, as well as actions for their resilience and local sustainability. Students analyse the proposed actions considering specific criteria (e.g. easy to integrate, cost, short/long term implementation, benefits in social, economic, natural dimensions, resistance for their implementation etc.).

Having done so, they come up with an action plan for addressing the specific local issue and proceed to its implementation.