5 Solution focused circle
- Suggested duration: 25 mins
- Technique used: Debate
- Materials required: None
- Aim of activity:
- Underpinning components: UC 6.1, UC 6.2, UC 6.3
- Connection with other competences: Attentiveness; Transdisciplinarity
Short description
Group activity. Allocate the following roles:
- Problem Presenter (focus person)
- Process Facilitator (team manager, time keeper)
- Recorder
- Amazingly creative Brainstorm Team
Step 1
- Problem presenter: outline the problem (something related to sustainability that may have an impact on the group) in 4 uninterrupted minutes
- Process facilitator: keep time and make sure no one interrupts
- Recorder: take notes.
- Everyone else (the brainstormers): listen.
(If the problem presenter stops talking before the 4 minutes elapses, everyone else stays silent until the 4 minutes pass. This is key! The problem presenter gets 4 uninterrupted minutes.)
Step 2 (4 minutes)
- Brainstormers: provide creative solutions to what you have just heard. Everyone gets a chance to give their brilliant ideas. No one must be allowed to dominate. (It is not a time to clarify the problem or to ask questions. It is not a time to give speeches, lectures or advice. )
- Process facilitator: make sure this is a brainstorm
- Problem presenter: listen – without interrupting. Don’t talk or respond.
- Recorder: take notes
Step 3 (4 minutes)
- Problem presenter: Discuss the issue and suggestions
- Process facilitator: keep time
- Recorder: take notes
This is time to explore and clarify the problem. Focus on the positive points only and not what can’t be done.
Step 4 (4 minutes)
The First Step.
- Problem presenter and the group decide on first steps that are doable within the next 3 days. At least ONE step should be initiated within 24 hours. (This is critical. Research shows that unless a first step is taken almost immediately, people do not get out of their ruts.)
- Recorder: take notes
A coach from the group volunteers to phone or see the person within 3 days to check if they took their first step.