3 Walking the talk – Doing your action competence project
- Suggested duration: One or two hours a week for six weeks (more if available – including out of school hours)
- Technique used: A student led project designed to build their knowledge, skills, motivation and self-confidence in relation to a local issue.
- Materials required: A local community issue – identified by the students
- Aim of activity: To introduce the concept of ‘new value’ and see how innovation can bring social, environmental and economic benefits.
- Underpinning components: UC11.1.a; UC11.1.b; UC11.1.c; UC11.2; UC11.3
- Connection with other competences: Creativity; Futures; Criticality; Attentiveness; Participation
Short description
Building on the ‘Talking the Walk’ activity under Innovation – give the students time to develop their ideas into practical projects for resolving an issue (or adding new value) in their locality. Students follow the IVAC steps:
- Investigation: look at the what, where, when, how, who questions – and most importantly, why?
- Vision: How might this situation be improved/solved/resolved?
- Action: Engage with others people/organisations as necessary to put your ideas into action
- Change: Reflect on what has been achieved. What has actually changed? This can be physical change or a change within the students and/or others.