Futures sdg6 Clean water and sanitation
Identify the links between former ways, actual ways and possible future ways of management and their impact on the water resource.
Develop future scenarios for equitable access to water and sustainable management of the resource at different scales.
For example:
Role-play method
Propose a fictitious development situation: Labasa is a small town of 28,000 inhabitants located on the northeast coast of the island of Vanua Levu, in the Republic of the Fiji Islands. The water supply system is outdated and unsanitary, so it must be renovated within 10 years.
Then form groups of students who must represent the various local actors and propose development solutions, namely:
- Major hotel groups
- The tourists
- The farmers
- Members of an environmental protection association
- Local authorities
First, each group presents a project on a cartographic basis. In a second step, the students debate to reach an agreement.