Duurzame PABO is the Dutch network of teacher training colleges and primary schools that are actively working on education for sustainable development (ESD) in (existing) education and the organizations. This network is established in 2005. Duurzame PABO is an independent NGO since 2008. Duurzame PABO participates actively in Leren voor Morgen, the cooperation that links (about) all Dutch ESD initiatives since 2017.
Duurzame PABO supports in several ways:
Conducting network activities: organizing the annual network day (conference), giving lectures or workshops at conferences, providing websites and social media that focus on ESD knowledge transfer (www.duurzamepabo.nl, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin).
Publishing (e)books on ESD for students and teachers.
Quality enhancement: Duurzame PABO supports teacher training institutes and schools with courses and training programs.