Decent work and economic growth
Individually, identify 2 decisions that you have made as a worker and/or consumer – one that you consider good/successful and one that did not go so well. Reflect on these decisions and identify what helped you make them and what the alternative choices were. Then encourage learners to think about decision-making process and how this can be implemented taking gender issues into consideration. Based on this analysis, make a list of what you think helps people make good decisions (e.g. quality of information, time available, prior experience, advice from others).
Individually, select a few items that you have either consumed, used, bought or had bought for you over the last week. For each item, consider its environmental and social impact and compare this impact with that of a substitute product.
In small groups identify a selection of 5 job roles, products and services that have emerged in recent years. Produce a presentation that shows the extent to which one of these innovations addresses environmental and/or social concerns and suggest improvements.
Students identify a business or organisation within their community in which they are involved. In groups or individually, they should explore as many ways as possible in which the organisation might save money and/or grow its business while also having less impact on the environment. Choose one of these ideas and take steps to promote or implement it. The students should reflect on any changes that took place as a result of their action either within themselves or within the organisation(s) concerned.
In small groups develop a business idea that has environmental and/or social benefits. Prepare a sales pitch to present to the rest of the group. The group’s role is to critique your idea while you defend it on social, environmental and financial grounds.
In small groups choose a job role. If possible, visit, shadow and interview someone working within that role. Produce a poster that shows the extent to which the job is impacted by, or influences, wider social and/or environmental issues.
In small groups choose 2 job roles. Select 2 contrasting values, one intrinsic (e.g. helpfulness, honesty, responsibility) and one extrinsic (e.g. recognition, influence, success). Discuss how the job roles would be influenced by each of your chosen values.
Identify 3 or 4 case studies of different job roles (positive & negative). Working in small groups, students take one each and research it, identifying likely positive and negative impacts of role on stakeholders. Group members take it in turns to role-play someone in the job role while others interview them about their job.
Identify a number of case studies of different company initiatives (positive & negative). Small groups take one each and research it, identifying likely positive and negative impacts of initiative on stakeholders and the environment. Share analysis with others and discuss, comparing case studies.
Group activity. Set up work context scenario, e.g. a café. Students adopt different roles e.g. manager, older person, pregnant woman, environmentalist, vegan, meat eater. Role-play team meetings based on resolving different issues, e.g. how to increase sales, increase profits, become more environmentally friendly. Groups share experiences and outcomes.