Action sdg14 Life below water

Experience the power of action of an individual as being part of a group and experience democratic processes related to actions that can result in the sustainability of life below water.

For example:

Organise an action in the community:

  1. Identifying the needs: Students make micro-interviews asking people a) whether they know about issues related to life below water b) what they think about it c) if they know of possible measures taken at a local and/or international level to solve existing problems. They could ask
    • a) in the school (e.g. housekeeper, director, teachers or other students…, adding questions on measures taken regarding life below water in the school (e.g. where does the sewage water go, how are micro-pollutants treated in the chemistry lab, etc.)
    • b) local politicians, adding questions on how they manage this issue
    • c) on the street on life under water in the area and/or worldwide and
    • d) some experts on life under water in the area and/or worldwide.

    The aim would be to identify what points the public needs more information about.
  2. Choosing a measure relating to the needs: After having shared an overview of what knowledge people in the community have and don’t have, in groups students think of possible ways to enhance people’s attentiveness to the issues related to life under water. They present them to the rest of the group and the class chooses a set of measures that could realistically be implemented by the class (e.g. organise a conference or film for the school and the community, write to the politicians with possible measures they could take, make a radio broadcast or a poster exhibition, have a stand in a market, etc.)
  3. The class implements the measure.

At the end of the process, discuss what worked well and what didn’t, what everybody has learnt and how collective action works.