4 Resource Management in the class room Investigation
- Suggested duration: 20 minutes
- Technique used: Discussion on management techniques (for heating, paper management, food management, waste management in the class room).
- Materials required: Heating controls, paper bins
- Aim of activity: Realise own responsibility and possibly change behavior by doing this together.
- Underpinning components: UC8.1a; UC8.1b; UC8.2; UC8.3
- Connection with other competences: Criticality; Decisiveness; Systems
Short description
The educator and students carefully manage the indoor-climate, food, waste, materials. This becomes visible in:
- heating and cooling only when needed
- constant proper ventilation (always fresh air and proper humidity level)
- no waste of materials and energy by working according to this principle
- conscious choice of materials, for example led-lightning, fair trade products, healthy food, recycled materials
- diminish waste production, recycle whatever is possible to recycle
To put it in an activity, the students investigate the possibilities to accomplish the above.