sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

icon sdg6

As the UN puts it: Clean, accessible water for all is essential and there is sufficient fresh water on the planet to achieve this. However, due to economic policies or poor infrastructure, millions of people including children die every year from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene.

RSP kompetenciák sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Systems sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Address water issues in a systemic way, in order to ensure access for all (under acceptable sanitary conditions) and ensure sustainable management of the resource.

Attentiveness sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Become aware of the inequality of access to drinking water and sanitation on a global and local scale and understand underlying causes of the situation.

Transdisciplinarity sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Study water issues in a transdisciplinary way to cross types of knowledge, perspectives and values.

Criticality sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Critically evaluate situations and decisions taken to ensure equitable management of water resources and sanitation.

Futures sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Identify the links between former ways, actual ways and possible future ways of management and their impact on the water resource. Develop future scenarios for equitable access to water and sustainable management of the resource at different scales.

Empathy sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Understand what it means to be have no access to drinking water and clean sanitation.

Creativity sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Look for and propose innovative solutions, both structurally (socially) and technically, for areas where there is a lack of water and sanitation.

Responsibility sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Reflect on own relationship to water, own actions and use and the consequences of this on others and on supply.

Participation sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Collectively identify possible steps and mechanisms to make a current water management and sanitation situation evolve towards a more sustainable situation.

Values sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Engage, with others in the construction of knowledge related to the equitable distribution of water resources and sanitation issues and recognise values and beliefs behind (un)sustainable ways of managing water.  Identify own values and those of others and reflect how these can be combined in order to preserve water resources and promote sanitation. 

Action sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Use democratic processes while acting to make a situation evolve towards more sustainable water use and sanitation.

Decisiveness sdg6 Clean water and sanitation

Take decisions in uncertainty related to unsustainable water and sanitation issue after having identified positive/negative impacts of possible decisions on various stakeholders.