sdg10 Reduced inequalities

icon sdg10

As the UN puts it: To reduce inequality, policies should be universal in principle while paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations. There needs to be an increase in and continuation of favorable trading conditions for exports from developing countries, in addition to increasing the share of developing countries’ vote within the IMF. Finally, innovations in technology can help reduce the cost of transferring money for migrant workers.

RSP kompetenciák sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Systems sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Make responsible decisions about own food and shopping and consumption habits that are in the interests of sustainable agriculture.

Attentiveness sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Recognise examples of inequality locally and globally and understand possible causes.

Transdisciplinarity sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Act collaboratively both within and outside of own discipline, role, perspectives and values to reduce inequality.

Criticality sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Critically evaluate the balance of power, wealth, access to resources and access to opportunity and any proposals to reduce inequalities.

Futures sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Envision ways to reduce inequalities.

Empathy sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Be aware of inequalities between people and groups of people and understand how this might make people feel.

Creativity sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Develop creative ways of reducing inequalities.

Responsibility sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Act transparently and accept personal responsibility to help reduce inequalities.

Participation sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Participate in actions that reduce inequality.

Values sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Work with others, responsively and inclusively, while remaining aware of personal beliefs and values (yours and theirs), to reduce inequality.

Action sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Act proactively and in a considered manner to reduce inequalities.

Decisiveness sdg10 Reduced inequalities

Act in a cautious and timely manner, even in situations of uncertainty, to reduce inequality.